1929 Moto Guzzi Sport 14.

Designed for simplicity and reliability, the Sport 14 was first produced for the 1929 model year. This particular machine was first registered in Italy in 1928, making this one of the earlier models produced for the 1929 year. We have confirmation that our chasis number, 6931, makes ours the oldest known Sport 14 to remain!

We chose this motorcycle for its features including a low center of gravity for handling, light weight, and track record for wining races in the 1930s. Moto Guzzi starting making this particular single cylinder engine configuration in 1921 and continued with this configuration until releasing a v-twin model in 1954. Other features adding to its reliability include a large capacity oil tank (2.5L) for cooling the engine, a horizontally mounted engine for further cooling, and dual drum brakes.

In 1928, Moto Guzzi produced the Norge G.T. 500. A precursor and very similar to the Sport 14, the Norge had a unique and innovative rear suspension. Many competitors and journalists wrote off the Norge G.T. 500. To prove the critics wrong, founder Carlo Guzzi’s brother, Guiseppe Guzzi, set out on a 2,300-mile journey to the Arctic Circle aboard the Norge. Riding through Germany and Denmark, Guzzi arrived safe and sound at Norway’s North Cape. The stunt not only proved the detractors wrong, but also established the Norge G.T. 500’s outstanding reliability.


Origin: Italy
Make: Moto Guzzi
Model: Sport 14
Year: 1928
Engine: 499cc
Transmission: 3-speed